Lorentz Violating p-form Gauge Theories in Superspace
Very special relativity (VSR) keeps the main features of special relativity but breaks rotational invariance due to an intrinsic preferred direction. We study the VSR modified extended BRST and anti-BRST symmetry of the Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV) actions corresponding to the
p=1,2,3-form gauge theories. Within VSR framework, we discuss the extended BRST invariant and extended BRST and anti-BRST invariant superspace formulations for these BV actions. Here we observe that the VSR modified extended BRST invariant BV actions corresponding to the
p=1,2,3-form gauge theories can be written manifestly covariant manner in a superspace with one Grassmann coordinate. Moreover, two Grassmann coordinates are required to describe the VSR modified extended BRST and extended anti-BRST invariant BV actions in a superspace. These results are consistent with the Lorentz invariant (special relativity) formulation.
1 comment:
sir, Glashow and Cohen make the interesting observation that certain proper subgroups of the Lorentz group like hom2 or Sim2 can explain many results of special relativity like time dilation, relativistic velocity addition and a maximal isotropic speed of light. i has read a book and it shows that such SIM2 Nd Hom2 based vsr theories predict an incorrect value for the thomas precession and are therefore ruled out by observations. In VSR theories the spin-orbital coupling in atoms turn out to be too large by a factor of 2. The Thomas–bmt equation derived from vsr predicts a precession of electrons and muons in storage rings which is too large by a factor of 102. vsr theories are therefore ruled out by observations...
...it is a considered violation of Lorentz invariance in qed induced by a very high frequency background wave. An effective theory is obtained by averaging observables over the rapid field oscillations. This preserves Ward identities and restores translation invariance below the high-frequency scale, but only in , partial Lorentz invariance, shows that the effective theory is C-invariant sim2-qed in very special relativity .....averaging leads to the non local terms familiar from sim2 theories, while the short distance behavior of the background field fermion propagator generates the infinite number of higher-order vertices of sim2-qed.......
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