Dr Prince A Ganai

Dr Prince A Ganai
Theoretical Physicist @NIT- Srinagar

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Lorentz Violating p-form Gauge Theories in Superspace

Very special relativity (VSR) keeps the main features of special relativity but breaks rotational invariance due to an intrinsic preferred direction. We study the VSR modified extended BRST and anti-BRST symmetry of the Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV) actions corresponding to the p=1,2,3-form gauge theories. Within VSR framework, we discuss the extended BRST invariant and extended BRST and anti-BRST invariant superspace formulations for these BV actions. Here we observe that the VSR modified extended BRST invariant BV actions corresponding to the p=1,2,3-form gauge theories can be written manifestly covariant manner in a superspace with one Grassmann coordinate. Moreover, two Grassmann coordinates are required to describe the VSR modified extended BRST and extended anti-BRST invariant BV actions in a superspace. These results are consistent with the Lorentz invariant (special relativity) formulation.