Effective Magnetic Monopoles and Universal Conductance Fluctuations
Kjetil M. D. Hals, Anh Kiet Nguyen, Xavier Waintal, and Arne Brataas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 207204 (Published November 11, 2010)
Writing in Physical Review Letters, Kjetil Hals, Anh Kiet Nguyen, and Arne Brataas from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and Xavier Waintal from CEA, Grenoble, France, show that it is possible to manipulate momentum-space magnetic monopoles in ferromagnets with strong spin-orbit coupling by external magnetic fields, and observe this in universal conductance fluctuations (UCF). In general, UCF refers to time-independent fluctuations in the conductance of metals at low temperature that vary between samples but are reproducible for a given sample at a fixed temperature. Hals et al. show that fast conductance oscillations recently observed in experiments on the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As are a consequence of the relocation of momentum-space magnetic monopoles. This relocation comes about due to a rotation of the magnetization and leads to a geometric phase change of closed momentum-space curves. This work offers an entirely new probe of magnetic monopoles in momentum space. – Sarma Kancharla