Research Areas: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Dr Prince A Ganai
Theoretical Physicist @NIT- Srinagar
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
A “Little Bang” arrives at the LHC
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Sorting superfluidity from Bose-Einstein condensation in atomic gases
One of the neatest formulations of the concept of superfluidity involves the response of the fluid to rotation in the so-called “rotating bucket experiment”: while the normal component of the fluid is dragged by the bucket, the superfluid component is almost unaffected by the rotating walls . This idea was first put into practice in 1946 by Andronikashvili using a torsional oscillator and a bulk three-dimensional sample of liquid helium the appearance of a superfluid is detected by the drop in the moment of inertia . Interesting measurements of the reduced moment of inertia of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates have been performed by looking at the frequency of the so-called scissors mode in an anisotropic trap and at the time evolution of the shape of an expanding condensate after releasing the trap .
The definition of superfluid fraction can be formulated in a formal and quantitative way in terms of the response of the fluid to an external vector field . If placed in a rotating trap, neutral atoms behave in fact as if they were subject to a constant magnetic field parallel to the rotation axis; in this picture, the absence of response to rotation is the superfluid analog of the Meissner effect of superconductors in which magnetic fields are excluded from the material. Along these lines, it was soon recognized that the study of the response of the gas to artificial magnetic fields may offer a much wider range of experimental possibilities to investigate superfluidity.
Nigel R. Cooper and Zoran Hadzibabic
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 030401 (2010) – Published January 19, 2010